Friday, November 29, 2019
Monday, November 25, 2019
How to Use Attribution Correctly as a Reporter
How to Use Attribution Correctly as a Reporter Attribution simply means telling your readers where the information in your story comes from, as well as who is being quoted. Generally, attribution means using a source’s full name and job title if thats relevant. Information from sources can be paraphrased or quoted directly, but in both cases, it should be attributed. Attribution Style Keep in mind that on-the-record attribution - meaning a sources full name and job title are given - should be used whenever possible. On-the-record attribution is inherently more credible than any other type of attribution for the simple reason that the ​source has put their name on the line with the information theyve provided. But there are some cases where a source might not be willing to give full on-the-record attribution. Lets say youre an investigative reporter looking into allegations of corruption in city government. You have a source in the mayors office who is willing to give you information, but hes worried about repercussions if his name is revealed. In that case, you as the reporter would talk to this source about what kind of attribution he is willing to commit to. You are compromising on full on-the-record attribution because the story is worth getting for the public good. Here are some examples of different kinds of attribution. Source – Paraphrase Jeb Jones, a resident of the trailer park, said the sound of the tornado was terrifying. Source – Direct Quote â€Å"It sounded like a giant locomotive train coming through. I’ve never heard anything like it,†said Jeb Jones, who lives in the trailer park. Reporters often use both paraphrases and direct quotes from a source. Direct quotes provide immediacy and a more connected, human element to the story. They tend to draw the reader in. Source – Paraphrase and Quote Jeb Jones, a resident of the trailer park, said the sound of the tornado was terrifying. â€Å"It sounded like a giant locomotive train coming through. I’ve never heard anything like it,†Jones said. (Notice that in Associated Press style, a source’s full name is used on the first reference, then just the last name on all subsequent references. If your source has a specific title or rank, use the title before his full name on the first reference, then just the last name after that.) When to Attribute Any time the information in your story comes from a source and not from your own firsthand observations or knowledge, it must be attributed. A good rule of thumb is to attribute once per paragraph if you are telling the story mainly through comments from an interview or eyewitnesses to an event. It might seem repetitive, but it’s important for reporters to be clear about where their information originates. Example: The suspect escaped from the police van on Broad Street, and officers captured him about a block away on Market Street, said Lt. Jim Calvin. Different Types of Attribution In his book News Reporting and Writing, journalism professor Melvin Mencher outlines four distinct types of attribution: 1. On the record: All statements are directly quotable and attributable, by name and title, to the person making the statement. This is the most valuable type of attribution. Example: The U.S. has no plans to invade Iran, said White House press secretary Jim Smith. 2. On Background: All statements are directly quotable but cant be attributed by name or specific title to the person commenting. Example: The U.S. has no plans to invade Iran, a White House spokesman said. 3. On Deep Background: Anything that is said in the interview is usable but not in a direct quotation and not for attribution. The reporter writes it in his own words. Example: Invading Iran is not in the cards for the U.S. 4. Off the Record: Information is for the reporters use only and is not to be published. The information also is not to be taken to another source in hopes of getting confirmation. You probably don’t need to get into all of Mencher’s categories when you’re interviewing a source. But you should clearly establish how the information your source gives you can be attributed.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Project Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Project Management - Assignment Example There are two fundamental scheduling network techniques known as Critical Path Method (CPM) and Program evaluation and review technique (PERT). However, use of CPM technique has greatly increased in the last many years. This technique is advantageous as it covers both scheduling and costing of projects (Meredith and Mantel, 2009). Under the CPM, a project is divided into nodes, and initial event is taken as 0 and final as n event. Time taken for completion of tasks in a project is denoted as x1, x2,†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦xn. For example, a good network diagram is developed that also requires the list of all activities on the work breakdown structure (WBS). Duration of each activity is determined that results into a critical path, which is the least time for completion of a project. For a project, critical path is determined by adding the duration of activities of different paths starting from start to finish of a project as shown in the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Designing a Grounded Embodied Mental Model Learning Environment Assignment
Designing a Grounded Embodied Mental Model Learning Environment - Assignment Example The paper contains answers to a number of questions in which the Grounded Embodied Mental model learning environment has been investigated. The topic chosen for the design of the learning environment is the mathematical branch called arithmetic. It was found that the GEMM learning environment can be very appropriate in helping the student to master the simple arithmetic procedures. Arithmetic involves counting and adding up of things as it happens to be applicable in many spheres of life. It is the oldest branch in mathematics. The grounded embodied learning environment is one that provides the student with the right objects to apply the lessons they learn. It should allow them to have physical manipulation of these objects as well as the use of gestures in learning. The content of learning gets meaning from the use of these physical objects. It is no longer based on concept visualization without seeing or handling anything. Gestures have a role they play in changing the knowledge of the child. This happens directly on the cognitive state of the child or indirectly by affecting the child’s communicative environment. Agents are also important in learning because they make the lesson more realistic. Examples include robots and video games which make learning more interesting and easy to master. Students are motivated by the GEMM since it is a more interesting way of learning that reduces boredom. Using gestures and manipulating physical objects in the learning environment is very entertaining and can increase motivation. ... ognitive learning environment is critical; to enable the student to use the other body senses such as touch in order to learn (Lakoff and Rafael 200). Description of the grounded environment and how it would make the content more meaningful The GEMM learning environment has physical objects that should be used by the students. It involves gestures which are expected to make understanding better than if they were not there. This is the main difference with the ordinary learning setting. The physical objects such as computers are expected to help the student to learn. The student manipulates these objects to create a better understanding of the abstract concepts being taught (Greeno, & Moore, 210). The arithmetic learning environment consists of a number of equipment and parts such as natural user interfaces. These are of two types thus; free interfaces and the touch use interfaces. In the touch use interface the user has to directly touch the device and a single touch could be appropriate such as the SMART Board or multi touch such as SMART iPhone, table, surface or iPad. Free form interfaces with gestures don’t need the user to handle the device like the kinect Microsoft project. The gestural controller and touch screen mechanics have 3 parts which are an actuator, comparator and sensor. Bodily rooted knowledge has perception processes that have an effect on conceptual thinking. Researchers in the area of embodiment and cognition discovered that there exists a compatibility effect between the physical state of a person and his mental state. Physical touch and movement enhance the learning of a student. When children involve their hands in learning they develop knowledge and brain connections through the movement. When children make use of compatible actions for
Monday, November 18, 2019
The Problems of Contemporary American Culture Assignment
The Problems of Contemporary American Culture - Assignment Example Many teenagers disrespect their parents, adults, the elderly, and traditions. The media no longer differentiate the news from gossip and personal opinions. Many people assert their rights without knowing and doing their responsibilities as law-abiding and productive citizens. We have high rates of recidivism, because we not prepare ex-convicts for re-integration into community life. Sapiental Circle Questions What do you cherish about American culture? Respondent 1 Sex: Male Age: 52 Relationship: Neighbor and friend Answer: I cherish the belief in the American Dream, where any people from any gender, race, and age can attain happiness and success through hard work and determination. Respondent 2 Sex: Female Age: 39 Relationship: Mother’s friend Answer: I cherish the freedoms in American culture that other societies do not have, like freedom of speech and freedom of demonstration. Respondent 3 Sex: Male Age: 19 Relationship: Cousin Answer: I like that we have freedoms. I can cr iticize my government without being killed for my views. Respondent 4 Sex: Female Age: 18 Relationship: Friend Answer: I like the notion of the American Dream and our freedoms. It means we can be who we want to be and no one can stop us. We can speak our minds and we can still wake up and live another day. Classmate 1 Sex: Female Age: 20 Relationship: Friend Answer: The best in American culture is our freedoms. ... Respondent 1 Answer: So many youth nowadays have no respect for their parents and adults. They think they know everything and yet they know nothing, even about themselves and their culture. Respondent 2 Answer: Mass media makes me sick. I rarely watch TV nowadays. It’s all about selling sex, violence, and materialism. Respondent 3 Answer: People fight for their rights, but they don’t want the responsibilities that go with it. They just want this and that, but they will not give time for issues that matter. Respondent 4 Answer: I find it problematic that media glorifies skinny and perfectly beautiful models and actresses. They teach youth that they can never be young, pretty, and sexy enough. They teach poor self-esteem and self worth. Classmate 1 Answer: The problem is the lack of self-criticism, the inability to stop and examine our weaknesses. Media also sucks. It’s driven by money and produces sexual, misogynistic, and materialistic images and messages all the time. Classmate 2 Answer: It’s problematic that people no longer care about each other. They are too individualistic. I also dislike its apparent lack of respect for other cultures in other countries. We cannot force our ideals on others, no matter how noble we think they are. My Own Answers What do you cherish about American culture? I cherish the concept of the American Dream and our civil rights and freedoms. Migrants and natives can both reach their ideals of success and happiness. They have the liberty and support from the government too, which help them reach their dreams in life. What do you find problematic in America culture? I find it problematic that the culture is steeped with materialism, sensationalism, discrimination, indifference, immorality
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Research Methodology for Director Elections Analysis
Research Methodology for Director Elections Analysis The director and board performance from the perspectives of voting shareholders, the implementation of majority-approved shareholder proposals provide a more specific and tighter measure for the actions boards take to do their jobs. For this comprehensive exam paper, I will focus on votes withheld for director elections because implementation of majority-approved shareholder proposals requires non-trivial hand collection and might decrease the sample size significantly. This measure has several important merits in multiple directorships setting compared with commonly used measures. First, it has been well documented that reputational concerns from the director labor market, the increasing prevalence of vote-no campaigns, and increased prevalence of corporates voluntary adoption of Majority Voting standards makes votes withheld from director elections a good proxy for shareholder general evaluation of director, committee, and board performance. (Georgeson 2000-2016). Second, while uncontested shareholder voting rarely remove specific directors, the voting outcomes of director elections are associated with subsequent board conduct, governance changes and firm performance (Del Guercio, Seery, and Woidtke [2008], Cai, Garner, and Walkling [2009], Fischer, Gramlich, Miller, and White [2009], Ertimur, Ferri, and Muslu [2011], Ertimur, et al. [2015]). Third, academics and practitioners have consensus that the threshold of 20% of votes withheld represents s ubstantial shareholder dissatisfaction. (Del Guercio et al. [2008], Cai et al. [2009], Fischer et al. [2009], Ertimur, et al. [2011], Ertimur et al. [2015]). Fourth, data for this measure on individual director level is directly available, and can be easily aggregated to get measures on committee level and board level. For the aggregate level, I can use either the average percentage of votes withheld per director, or the percentage of directors with substantial shareholder dissatisfaction (at least 20 % votes withheld) of committees, or boards. In sum, to better measure the effort exerted by directors and the value added by boards, I use a comprehensive list of complementary performance metrics: voting outcome of director election, serving on committees and attendance rate at board meetings on individual director level; voting outcome, CEO turnover sensitivity to performance, excessive CEO pay, and financial reporting misstatement on committee level, and voting outcome, market-to-book ratio (M/B) and return on sales (ROS) on firm level. 3. Sample, data, empirical results, and additional analyses 3.1. Sample and data To answer these questions, I study the multiple directorships policies for SP 1500 firms for the period from 2000 to 2016. First, I construct a dataset of director-level data for SP 1500 firms from the Institutional Shareholder Services ((formerly MSI, IRRC, and RiskMetrics) Directors Database from 2000-2016. I restrict my sample to SP 1500 firms to make the data collection manageable. This dataset contains information on director attendance and a range of other director characteristics (e.g., name, age, tenure, gender, committee memberships, independence classification, primary employer and title, number of other public company boards serving on, shares owned, etc.) which are collected by ISS from company proxy statements, annual reports or company websites. My first multiple directorships measure, Multiple Directorships_traditional, are retrieved from this database directly. Based on the directors total number of meetings required to attend and whether they attended fewer than 75%, I also construct a measure, Current Distraction, to better capture the time demand and the distraction effect of multiple directorships. To test H1 and H2, we need to know director attendance immediately before and immediately after firms adopt overboarding rules. However, only annual attendance data is publicly available. In addition, many overboarding policies set grace periods explicitly or implicitly. Therefore, I use the director attendance the year before adoption year to test H1, and the director attendance the year after adoption year to test H2. Next, I require these firms to have accounting data from Compustat, stock return and pricing data from CRSP, corporate-governance provisions data from ISS Governance database, director elections voting data from ISS Voting Analytics (VA) database, and financial reporting restatement data from AuditAnalytics database. (access?) For firm performance, I measure the market-to-book ratio (M/B) and return on sales (ROS), measured at the lagged fiscal year-end, to compare with previous literature (Fich and Shivdasani [2006], Field, et al. [2013]). Then I use BoardEx database, which includes profiles of executives and directors (demographics, education and career history, compensation, board and committee memberships, etc.) and the connections among them, to construct my second sets of measures of multiple directorships, Multiple Directorships_public, Multiple Directorships_private, and Multiple Directorships_total. Using BoardEx database, I also construct two measures of director qualification, Accumulated Directorships Experience and General Qualification, which reflect director qualification but are not necessarily associated with their current busyness. BoardExs coverage of U.S. public companies is extremely limited prior to 2000, causing serious survivorship bias (see, Fracassi and Tate [2012], Engelberg, Gao, and Parsons, [2013]). Similar to previous literature which also uses the BoardEx database, I focus on the period after 2000 to mitigate these concerns. It needs to be noted that while BoardEx database suffers survivo rship bias and some other issues, using BoardEx provides several important merits for my research. First, it provides information about directors seats on significant private firms and gives a better measure of directors total workload. Second, it allows me to test directors seats choices between public firms and private firms. Third, it provides information to construct a measure of directors resources/talent which is not necessarily connect with their current busyness. Finally, I hand-collect information on firms overboarding policies for this sample. Normally, firms overboarding policies are disclosed in their governance principles/governance guidelines. I retrieve firms current overboarding policies from their websites, and their historical overboarding policies from the Internet Archive library, which archives over hundreds of billion historical web pages on the Internet. (
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Chuck Close :: essays research papers
Chuck Close (born 1940) is an American photorealist specializing in close-up portraits and self-portraits. Close is one of the very few modern realists or photorealists who focus on the human face. In 1988, in mid-career, Close was paralyzed due to a blood clot in his spinal column. He regained partial use of his arms, and was able to return to painting after developing techniques which allowed him to work from a wheelchair.All of Close’s works are based on photographs he takes himself. Close always follows the same guidelines in planning a painting. The source photograph is a tightly cropped head and shoulder shot. The subject is a family member or friend. The finished work is always titled by the subject’s first name alone (with the exception of â€Å"Self-Portrait†). This decision was intended to project an aura of anonymity, allowing viewers to approach the work without preconceived ideas about the sitter.Close’s working method is extremely labor-intensive. He begins by dividing his source photograph into a grid and creating a corresponding grid on the canvas. He then meticulously transcribes the image onto the canvas square by square, proceeding from the top left to the bottom right. Some of the largest canvases contain thousands of squares; Close completes all of his paintings by hand. Given the painstaking nature of this work, some of the earlier large-scale paintings took up to fourteen months to complete.Close's work falls into two periods, the early and the middle, in which he is now fruitfully engaged. It is easy to divide the two periods on either side of Close's 1988 stroke that left him unable to hold a brush. (He paints with his brush tied to his hand by a metal and Velcro device.) Close started to work with bolder, more expressive and colorful marks before his great physical trauma. The new work is both the same; they're recognizable as works by Close and could be by no one else He still uses the grid and he still paints heads. Although the amount of information the new pictures carry is less than the old, the characters depicted seem warmer, more immediate, and more exuberant.Close's repertory of marks has changed dramatically. In place of the discreet dots and miniature strokes of his early work, not to mention the pictures constructed of fingerprints he made in the early'80s, each of the enlarged squares in the new grids contains colorful, painterly marks that function as mini- abstract paintings of their own.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Evaluate the Impact of Changes in the Economic Environment
Evaluate the impact of changes in the economic environment on a selected business – D1 After various changes to the economic tax and interest rate, CPHP have conducted and compiled research into current public spending. The results show that there has been a dramatic reduction in the level of public spending in the UK. The changes in economic environment will affect a business, the profit of the business will be affected because its affect the price and income of a business, which are the main aspect of a business.If Tesco decides to change the price of their goods, for example; the price of their doughnut in 2009 was 5 pieces for a pound, a reasonable price for students but with the economic environment it affected everything with the introduction of VAT from 17. 5% to 20% made the price of the doughnut to now cost around 1. 30p the change is affordable for some people but for other people it is not affordable. The reality of this economic environment is that when the price c hange and it becomes higher, consumers get less happy and this affects our range of time of buying certain products.The article above shows how the economic environment tax income is affecting prices as a whole, the price of cigarettes and alcohol in going to increase. This will affect Tesco because this is where they make most of their sales from. They have almost to sessions for both cigarettes and alcohol. When these products increase, it means their sales on these products will reduce because not a lot of customers will still be buying these products.Another policy that will affect the business Tesco is the fact their employee can’t work more than 39 hours, this policy will have impact on the business because they will have to recruit more workers and especially for the big 24 hours Tesco. This will affect Tesco income because it will increase the rate of their outcome because they will spend a lot of money on paying their workers. Another important economic environment i mpact will be the fact that Tesco will have to apply for more loans to be able to successfully run the business until it’s able to make enough money by itself and rely only on their income.This will affect Tesco growth because the loans will affect their income, cash flow and business image. Tesco will pay more and profit will drop. Tesco also have social factors that affect them, as the business have charity centre in helping the less privilege people and the more these people gets poor, the more they will have to stretch to help out which also spending money. Recession causes unemployment, this will affect the demand for goods and Tesco profit will drop.An economic factor that might affect Tesco is the demand of the consumer and customer which will decrease with the different problems; people are having in the world. As the demand decrease so the economy of the business will decrease and the profit of the business will decrease too. This refers in the fiscal and monetary, f or example since when the government decided to raise the VAT from 17. 5% to 20%, the business increase their goods price and due to that reason the customers do not purchase enough goods like they used.Social factors refer in the trend of customer which keeps changing their trend, and what the trend of their purchase. For example nowadays due to people’s work, they are really busy so they often decide to buy already cooked food. Technology refers in how Tesco adopt online shopping to attract customer, to purchase goods and services from the business. Another technology might be the introduction of delivery which refers in how the businesses deliver their goods around the customer’s address.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Free Essays on Extreme Programming
HISTORY and DEFINITION XP is the abbreviation, or 2-letter acronym for Extreme Programming. XP is a type of software methodology that is used today in the field of software development. â€Å"Extreme Programming is a discipline of software development with the values of simplicity, communication, feedback and courage. We focus on the roles of the customer, manager, and programmer and accord key rights and responsibilities to those in those roles.†(Jeffries). About four years ago, many software developers in the industry were frustrated with the â€Å"heavy†methodologies that were being used. They were so complex and time consuming that many of the projects they were undertaking seemed almost unattainable. This is when the paradigm in thinking switched from â€Å"heavy†methodologies to the â€Å"lightweight†methodologies. (sdmagazine article) XP is an example of a â€Å"lightweight†methodology. It simplifies the process and also involves the customer. Both of these elements help to ensure successful projects. The customer is involved throughout the process and the project is also broken down into smaller attainable steps or goals that will aide the developer in completing the project. Not only is this plan simplistic in nature but it also allows for change throughout the process. XP is unlike other methodologies where change is considerably difficult, or almost impossible, after a certain point in the project. XP may also be used on both high and low risk projects. It factors in some risk analysis during the release-planning phase that will take into account weather the developer is working with confident or uncertain estimates. â€Å"XP empowers your developers to confidently respond to changing customer requirements, even late in the life cycle.†(Wells). Not only is XP a more simplified approach, it is also flexible in more ways than one. Software developers can change to the entire XP approach o... Free Essays on Extreme Programming Free Essays on Extreme Programming HISTORY and DEFINITION XP is the abbreviation, or 2-letter acronym for Extreme Programming. XP is a type of software methodology that is used today in the field of software development. â€Å"Extreme Programming is a discipline of software development with the values of simplicity, communication, feedback and courage. We focus on the roles of the customer, manager, and programmer and accord key rights and responsibilities to those in those roles.†(Jeffries). About four years ago, many software developers in the industry were frustrated with the â€Å"heavy†methodologies that were being used. They were so complex and time consuming that many of the projects they were undertaking seemed almost unattainable. This is when the paradigm in thinking switched from â€Å"heavy†methodologies to the â€Å"lightweight†methodologies. (sdmagazine article) XP is an example of a â€Å"lightweight†methodology. It simplifies the process and also involves the customer. Both of these elements help to ensure successful projects. The customer is involved throughout the process and the project is also broken down into smaller attainable steps or goals that will aide the developer in completing the project. Not only is this plan simplistic in nature but it also allows for change throughout the process. XP is unlike other methodologies where change is considerably difficult, or almost impossible, after a certain point in the project. XP may also be used on both high and low risk projects. It factors in some risk analysis during the release-planning phase that will take into account weather the developer is working with confident or uncertain estimates. â€Å"XP empowers your developers to confidently respond to changing customer requirements, even late in the life cycle.†(Wells). Not only is XP a more simplified approach, it is also flexible in more ways than one. Software developers can change to the entire XP approach o...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
5 Ways to Fend Off Difficult Coworkers
5 Ways to Fend Off Difficult Coworkers These aren’t the only strategies for dealing with difficult people- at work or anywhere else, but they’re a start. Make sure to keep in mind that difficult people are still people, and show them as much compassion as you can- within reason, of course. 1. Respect and ValidationIt’s what you would want, if the roles were reversed. No one is difficult on purpose. So give the pain-in-your-office the benefit of the doubt; you don’t need to agree with everything they say, but sometimes all a person needs is to be heard.2. SympathizeWalk a mile in their shoes. Just because they’re difficult doesn’t mean they don’t deserve a hand. If you can see the situation from their point of view, then maybe you can help steer them out of it. A little critical thinking, active listening, and a bit of compassion can go a long way.3. Don’t ArgueAn argument is easy, and almost always unproductive. Instead of anticipating what you’ll fire back wi th, try actually listening. Listening is easy and it will never escalate a situation out of your control.3. Counter with FactDon’t be argumentative, but you can help a difficult person reframe their more extreme statements with a little dose of reality. Turn hatred into frustration, â€Å"always†into â€Å"occasionally,†and desperate situations into constructive possibilities for change.4. Set a TimerNo matter how high your patience level, there are reasonable limits. Don’t let the difficult person hijack your entire day with their negativity. If you’ve tried all of the above and still can’t defuse the situation, it’s perfectly okay to set some boundaries. Say you have five minutes to chat, but then you both should really get back to work.5 Tips to Handle Difficult People
Monday, November 4, 2019
Lakes in Kenya Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Lakes in Kenya - Research Paper Example Indeed lakes are important geographical features that are formed through certain processes. A lake is defined by Chave (2001) as a body of inland standing water while oxford dictionaries (2013) defines them as huge masses of water surrounded by dry land. Kenya is a country in Africa that that has several lakes and they are Baringo, Bogoria, Chala, Chew Bahir, Elementaita, Jipe, Kamnarock, Logipi, Magadi, Naivasha, Nakuru, Turkana and Victoria. This paper is going to look at three lakes in Kenya which are Lake Bogoria, Lake Nakuru and Lake Victoria, their formation, properties, and their economic benefits. Lakes can either be natural or artificial and Chave (2001) says that natural lakes are a result of natural processes while artificial lakes are constructed by man for various purposes such as hydropower generation. The lakes discussed here are natural lakes which have an ecosystem. Lake Bogoria This is a lake in the Great Rift Valley in Kenya and is amongst what some are calling Rif t Valley lakes. These lakes are small, shallow and occupy slightly sloping depressions on the Rift Valley floor (Crafter, 1992). The lake has a length of 21.13 miles and a width of 2.175 it lays north of the equator and it is an alkaline lake. The lake is a tourist attraction site because of its soda water that attracts flamingoes. Another major tourist attraction in Lake Bogoria is the hot water geyser, and steams that are bubbling hot. Geysers are violent gushes of water from under the surface and can get to a height of between 30-60 metres. These geysers are a result of hydrological activities underground. In areas experiencing volcanic activity, water may be heated underground and through fissures get to the surface in form of jets of hot water (McLeish, 1992).It is common sight to see visitors boil eggs in the hot water. Apart from flamingoes there are fish eagles. There are also other wild animals such as gazelles, Kudu, Zebra and Baboons (Magicalkenya .com 2013). Lake Baringo -hot springs (courtesy of Lake Nakuru This lake which is 1754 m above sea level is found on the Rift Valley and it very popular with tourists to Kenya because of the large of flamingoes it hosts. The lake is in Nakuru County and it is within Lake Nakuru national park. According to this is also a soda lake which is alkaline. An alkaline lake is that whose water has a ph of 7 and above. Therefore certain animal and plant species thrive in them while others do not. Living within the park are wild animals such as both black and white rhinos, warthogs, waterbuck, zebra, buffalo and the endangered Rothschild giraffe amongst others. The lake resulted from tensional forces on rocks leading to formation of normal faults secondary faulting followed leading to more subsidence and formation of a hollow that is filled with water (Opati, 2007). This process is characteristic of other rift valley lakes. The park is a source of revenue for the Nakuru Coun ty and a source of employment to many residents. Lake Nakuru if fed by only one river known as river Njoro (inlet) and it does not have an outlet and this is the reason as to why it does not have fish. Lake Nakuru (Picture courtesy of Lake Victoria This is a huge lake whose size is 67,493 sq kms and it is shared by three countries which are Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. According to WorldAtlas (2013), Lake Victoria is the largest lake in Africa and the largest tropical lake in the world. Importantly, it is the second largest fresh water lake in the world after Lake Superior in America.Its water flows down the Nile River into Egypt. It was the explorer John Hanning Speke who discovered Lake Victoria as the source of river Nile. McClanahan (1996) says
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The effect of economic crisis to the marketing strategy of Volkswagen Literature review - 2
The effect of economic crisis to the marketing strategy of Volkswagen in Asian market. The case of Vietnam - Literature review Example inancial crisis on the automotive industry in general and a special note on its impact on the automotive industry in Vietnam’s automotive sector have been included. Research Methodology: The study is about evaluating the effect of economic crisis to the marketing strategy of Volkswagen in Asian market. Now to accomplish the objectives of the study positivism approach has been chosen. In addition, the research design chosen for this study is cross-sectional design approach. Now based on the research questions and research design questionnaire has been selected as the data collection instrument. Findings and Analysis: The aim of the study was to uncover the impact of economic crisis to the marketing strategy of Volkswagen in Asian market. The study revealed that in the global perspective, the company has been able to increase its overall sales volume. In the year 2010 the company has been able to deliver, 7,139,472 cars, but in the year 2011, it increase to 8,160,154 resulting in a 14.3 % growth. In the Asia-Pacific region Volkswagen has been able to deliver 2,140,698 cars in 2010 and in 2011 the company has been able to sell 2,569,765 cars resulting in a staggering 20 % growth. Recommendation: In order to deal effectively with the ongoing issue of financial crisis, the company should reduce its operating cost and marketing cost. It is highly recommended to the company that they should try to integrate more features to their current product portfolio. To create a balance between the net revenue and net expenses, Volkswagen, Vietnam needs to carry out certain cost cutting activities. The company should consider outsourcing different segments of the business to third parties. The economic crisis has affected the automotive industry significantly. In the year 2007 the industry faced the heat of subprime meltdown due to issues related to valuation, in 2008 crisis resulted due to structural and solvency problems in the financial sectors, and in 2009 the disintegrate
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